
Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with improving the aesthetics of the patient’s teeth and smile. The goal is not only to improve the appearance of the teeth, but also to improve the patient’s self-esteem and self-confidence. This field offers a range of procedures, including: teeth whitening, ceramic veneers or mucosal plastic surgery procedures. Thanks to these procedures, the shape, size, color and arrangement of the teeth can be improved, and defects and imperfections in the teeth and gums can be eliminated.


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Aesthetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is usually associated with teeth whitening or veneers. However, this is a wrong assumption because cosmetic dentistry is usually a long multi-specialist process. It requires long planning, and sometimes also additional treatments from other fields of dentistry. Broadly understood aesthetic dentistry combines prosthetics, dental surgery, implantology, orthodontics and digital dentistry. The effects of aesthetic dentistry do not appear overnight, but they are spectacular. The main goal of the treatment is to achieve a perfect harmony of the smile while maintaining the natural shape and color of the teeth.

The therapies most often chosen by patients are: making ceramic veneers, correction of the gummy smile and slight corrections of the shape of the teeth using flow methods injection / bonding . The entire treatment is usually preceded by a teeth whitening procedure.

Aesthetic dentistry in a few steps:

  1. Multi-specialist consultation
    The first stage of treatment is a consultation in an interdisciplinary team, where we set the patient’s expectations and define possible therapeutic options.

  2. Photographic diagnostics, 3D scans, radiological examinations Next, we take a set of
    intraoral and extraoral photos aimed at digital planning of treatment effects. We take intraoral scans , and in the case of a planned surgical intervention, we perform computed tomography.

  3. Digital planning of treatment effects and simulation of treatment effects in the patient’s mouth
    Due to the need to precisely match the future shape of the teeth to the patient’s expectations, it is an extremely important stage to visualize the effects before starting treatment. That’s why we do digital smile design. We discuss the treatment plan at the next visit using visualizations on the patient’s photos and 3D prints showing the effects of the planned treatment.

    Digital Smile Design technologies and 3D printing enable a faithful presentation of the treatment plan and the introduction of changes in line with the patient’s expectations. At this stage, it is possible to transfer the printed simulation to the patient’s mouth in the form of a temporary work without preparation of natural teeth. For gummy smile corrections, the patient receives temporary restorations printed in situ from certified resins.

  4. Proper multi-specialty treatment
    In the case of aesthetic dentistry, diagnostics and precise planning of the treatment process take the most time. Proper treatment is the final stage.

The concept of “white teeth” largely depends on the expectations of the patient. If the satisfactory effect is teeth whitening in the range of 2 tones in relation to the current color, then the solution is in-office whitening supported by home overlay whitening. If you expect a significant whitening of your teeth or a snow-white smile, ceramic veneers are usually the only solution.

Veneers are prosthetic restorations cemented permanently. They make it possible to improve the aesthetics of the smile by changing the shape and color of the teeth with minimal interference with the hard tooth tissues.

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