Conservative dentistry
Conservative dentistry is a branch of dentistry dealing with the treatment of diseases and damage to tooth tissues, as well as the prevention and diagnosis of oral diseases. Treatment consists in preserving as much healthy tooth tissue as possible by removing only the diseased areas and restoring the tooth using filling materials. Regular visits to the dentist allow for early detection of diseases, which makes conservative dentistry crucial for maintaining the health of the entire oral cavity.
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Conservative dentistry is related to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cavities of carious and non-carious origin . Our goal is to maintain the good condition of the teeth and their aesthetic appearance.
Dental caries treatment procedures are performed under local anesthesia with the use of computer anesthesia systems. Sometimes, in the case of treatment of early carious lesions, we use abrasive sandblasting, which in selected cases eliminates the need to use drills.
Tooth reconstruction
We make tooth reconstructions from highly aesthetic composite materials characterized by high adaptation to the surrounding tooth tissues and enabling restoration of the anatomical shape. This allows for the lack of visibility of the filling against the background of own teeth. The precision of work is ensured by the use of treatment loupes and a microscope.
In a cofferdam cover
Treatments are performed in a cofferdam cover, i.e. a sheet of rubber of various sizes and thicknesses. It allows you to isolate the treated tooth during the procedure. It ensures the dryness of the treatment area, which is a prerequisite for the tightness and durability of the filling.
Advantages of the cofferdam:
- dryness of the treatment area,
- barrier against saliva and bacteria,
- isolation of the treated tooth during the procedure,
- easier access to the treated tooth,
- work improvement.
There are no contraindications to using a cofferdam. The only caveat may be an allergy to latex. In this case, please report it before your visit and we will use a latex-free cofferdam.
Thanks to the use of biomaterial, we obtain the shape and volume of the alveolar bone. Thanks to this, we avoid or reduce the need for bone reconstruction during implant treatment.
Dental procedures and dental surgery procedures are performed under local anesthesia, so they are painless. It is worth remembering that postoperative pain is a natural ailment associated with the performed operation and may require the use of painkillers. Depending on the scope of the procedure, the pain lasts 1-2 days. After root canal treatment, the pain caused by biting may last up to 7 days.
In the case of extensive damage to the crown of the tooth, which is not eligible for reconstruction, or in the case of extensive inflammatory changes around the tooth roots (without the possibility of conservative treatment), it is necessary to extract the tooth. In special cases, even a small carious defect, located within the tooth root, may also be an indication for removal.
In the case of carious cavities located under the gum, there are no suitable conditions for proper reconstruction of the tooth crown. This may result in recurring inflammatory pockets and, in extreme cases, lead to tooth loss. The procedure of lowering the level of the gum allows the tooth to be “pushed out” to a level that allows for a tight reconstruction.
Tooth cavities are divided into those of carious origin and non-carious cavities . Cavities of carious origin are caused by tooth decay appearing in the place of bacterial plaque. The cause of bacterial plaque retention is inaccurate hygienic procedures such as brushing and flossing. On the other hand, cavities of non-caries origin may be the result of consuming large amounts of acidic beverages, too intensive tooth brushing and teeth clenching/grinding at night.
The concept of “white teeth” largely depends on the expectations of the patient. If the satisfactory effect is teeth whitening in the range of 2 tones in relation to the current color, then the solution is in-office whitening supported by home overlay whitening. If you expect a significant whitening of your teeth or a snow-white smile, ceramic veneers are usually the only solution.
In short, everything is in the hands of the patient. Literally. Hygiene is of primary importance here. Plaque accumulating on the border between the filling (fill) and the tooth causes leakage and even the best-made filling has a short life. Regular professional hygienization in the office is also helpful.