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Piastowska 37, Kraków
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He graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In everyday professional practice, he pays special attention to root canal treatment with the use of a surgical microscope and dental prosthetics. The treatment is carried out taking into account the individual expectations of the patient and the available therapeutic options. In his daily practice, he uses digital solutions – scanners, 3D printers. He designs and prints prosthetic works or surgical templates in his own 3D printing laboratory in the office. It cooperates with market distributors of 3D printing equipment for dental applications and trains in the use of this technology in dentistry. She constantly deepens her professional knowledge by participating in national and international courses and symposiums.
Dentistry in the heart of Cracow. For 60 years, the Lenik family has been taking care of the dental health of the citizens of Cracow.
monday: 12:30-19:00
tuesday-friday: 9:00-19:00