
Recommendations for patients after surgery

Recommendations for patients after surgery include primarily the use of cold compresses, avoiding eating and drinking immediately after the procedure, and eating a liquid and soft diet. Patients should follow individual recommendations and come for follow-up visits. If in doubt, please contact your doctor.

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Recommendations for patients after surgery

  1. Immediately after the procedure, bite the gauze pad for about half an hour. If you are bleeding heavily, replace it with a new one.
  2. Do not lift your lip to look at the operated area. This increases the tension on the sutures and may cause the wound to separate.
  3. Do not drive a motor vehicle immediately after the procedure.
  4. Respect the timing of your follow-up visits.
  5. On the day of the procedure, refrain from eating and drinking for at least two hours after the procedure. Then avoid hot and hard foods.
  6. In the following days, eat foods in liquid form, and then soft.
  7. To relieve pain and reduce swelling, apply cold compresses around the treatment site in the following scheme: 20 minutes compress, 20 minutes without compress. To protect the skin, you can apply a greasy cream under the compress. Wrap cold compresses with damp gauze.
  8. After tooth extraction, you can clean the tooth with extreme care in the area around the procedure. Special postoperative brushes should be used. Do not use rinses that can damage the clot and prolong the healing process.
  9. Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke, avoid physical exertion.
  10. In the case of extensive procedures, especially in the jaw area, avoid contact sports for about 6 weeks.
  11. For some treatments, avoid smoking for about 3 weeks.
  12. Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, you can use a painkiller containing Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Do not use Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin, Polopiryna), as it hinders blood clotting.
  13. If the above painkillers are not sufficient, report it by phone at the registration desk. We will contact you.
  14. Use the prescribed antibiotic and probiotic .
  15. If not otherwise recommended, after 7-14 days report to the surgery to remove the sutures.
  16. If you notice disturbing symptoms such as fever, prolonged bleeding or problems with antibiotic tolerance, go to the doctor immediately.
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